The Solar System


Note: Remember you are responsible for graphs, charts and other items that form part of the overall summary of this topic.


I) The Solar System

A) Observing the Solar System

1) The Sun’s Family

(a) Geo-centric Model

(1) Early astronomy – early model

(2) Earth-centered

(b) Helio-centric Model

(1) Sun-centered

(i) Inertia

1. Tendency to move in straight line

2. Gravity between Sun and object steers the path into an elliptical orbit

(c) Eight planets & moons

(d) Other bodies

(1) Comets

(2) Asteroid Belt

(3) Plutonians

2) Tools for observing the Solar System

(a) Pre-Galileo

(1) Naked eye

(b) Telescopes

(1) Refracting

(i) Focuses light through a lens

(2) Reflecting

(i) Uses curved mirrors to focus light

(3) Radio

(i) Useful 24/7

(ii) Collect radio waves

(4) Space-based

(i) Hubble

(c) Satellites

(1) Object that revolves around another body

(i) Natural

(ii) Man-made

(2) October 4, 1957

(i) Former Soviet Union launches Sputnik

(3) January 29, 1958

(i) USA launches Explorer I

(d) Probes & Rockets

(1) Spacecraft that travel into space

(i) Viking I

(ii) Voyager 2

B) Touring the Solar System

1) Inner Planets (Terrestrial)

(a) Mercury

(b) Venus

(c) Earth

(d) Mars

2) Asteroid Belt

3) Outer Planets (Jovian)

(a) Jupiter

(b) Saturn

(c) Uranus

(d) Neptune

(e) Pluto - presently known as a "plutonian" or "dwarf planet"

C) Other members of the Sun’s family

1) Comets

(a) Mass of rock and frozen fluid

(b) In orbit around the sun

(1) Halley’s Comet

(i) About 76 years

2) Meteors – “Shooting Stars”

(a) Meteoroid

(1) Chunk of matter flying through space

(b) Meteor

(1) Meteoroid that falls through the atmosphere

(c) Meteorite

(1) Meteor that strikes a planets surface


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