1. What is astronomy?


2. How is astronomy different from astrology?


3. What types of objects can be seen with a telescope?


4. What are constellations?


5. How are constellations helpful to astronomers?


6. How fast does light travel?


7. How long does it take the light from the sun to reach Earth?


8. What is a light year?


9. How long does it take the light from our next nearest star, Proxima Centauri, to reach the Earth?


10. Why do people say that stargazing is like looking back in time?


11. Why doesn’t the star Polaris seem to move?


12. What is a sextant?  How and why is it used?


13. What did ancient astronomers like Ptolemy believe was the center of the solar system?


14. How did Copernicus change Ptolemy’s model of the solar system?


15. What were some of the objects Galileo saw with his telescope?  Which theory of the solar system did his

      observations support?


16. What is the difference between reflecting telescopes and refracting telescopes?


17. Why are observatories located in remote areas?


18. Who discovered the existence of galaxies outside the Milky Way?


19. Why is a space telescope potentially the best telescope to view the cosmos?


20. What problems did the Hubble Space Telescope face when it was launched in 1990?


21. How did astronauts fix the problem with the Hubble Space Telescope?


22. How is a radio telescope different from an optical telescope?


23. What is the “Very Large Array”?


24. What is SETI? 

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