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This document
describes a general format for lab reports that you will be required to submit
after the completion of lab exercises. Lab reports are the most frequent
kind of document written in science class and contribute 20% to your class
grade. The goal of lab reports is to document your findings and
communicate their significance.
A good lab report does more than present data; it
demonstrates the writer's comprehension of the concepts behind the data.
Simply recording the expected and observed results is not sufficient; you should
also identify how and why differences occurred, explain how they affected your
experiment and show your understanding of the principles the experiment was
designed to examine. Even though following a format is helpful, it cannot
replace clear thinking, organized writing and proper English usage. Each
of the following components are to be written on separate page -- front only --
regardless of how short the writing for that particular section. Hence,
each individual lab report is a minimum of five (5) pages
in length.
Components of a Lab Report
The Title Page needs to contain the name of the
experiment, the names of lab partners and the date the lab was completed.
The title of the lab should be straightforward and informative. For
example: Not "Lab # 7" but "Lab # 7: Reconstruction of the Cottrell
Electrostatic Precipitator". The title page also consists of an
abstract. The abstract summarizes four
(4) essential aspects of
the report: the purpose of the experiment; key findings; significance and major
conclusions. The abstract may also include a brief reference to theory or
methodology. The abstract should be one paragraph of 50-100 words (the sample
below is 100 words).
Quick Abstract Reference
Must have:
1. Purpose
2. Key result(s)
3. Most significant point of discussion
4. Major conclusion
100 words MAXIMUM |
Sample Abstract
We tested the validity of Newton's
First and Second Laws of Motion.
The acceleration of a glider on an inclined air track by the earth's gravity
was measured as a function of glider mass. We observed that the acceleration was 9.8 ±
0.05 m/s2, independent of object mass and consistent with the
currently accepted value for gravitational acceleration at sea level. We
studied the relationship between force, mass and acceleration by allowing a
gravitationally accelerated object to exert a force on the glider. Our
results show a linear relationship between force, mass and acceleration and
are consistent with Newton's Second Law of Motion. |
Note on Verb Tense
Abstracts often create difficulties for students who
struggle with keeping verb tenses straight. These two points should help you
navigate the abstract:
 | The experiment is already finished.
Use the past tense when talking about the experiment:
 | The objective of the experiment was... |
 | I placed the microscope... |
 | The slides were prepared... |
 | The report, theory and permanent
equipment still exist. Therefore, these get the present tense:
 | The purpose of this report is... |
 | Newton's theory states... |
 | The scanning electron microscope
produces images of... |
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Materials or Equipment Page can usually be a simple
list, but make sure it is accurate and complete.
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Experimental Procedure Page describes the experimental
process in chronological order. Using clear paragraph structure, explain
all steps in the order they actually happened, not as they were supposed to
happen. Be sure you document occasions when you did not follow procedures
exactly (for example: "At step 4 we performed four repetitions instead of three
and ignored the data from the second repetition. We did this because our
second repetition reading was so far off from our first reading, we assumed that
we had made a mistake.")
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Data &
Results Page is usually dominated by calculations, tables
and figures. Graphics need to be clear, easily read
and well labeled.
An important strategy for making your results effective is to draw the
reader's attention to them with a sentence or two so the reader has a
focus when reading the graph. Tables and figures must be labeled
and numbered in order to help the reader refer to the proper table or
figure as they read through the lab report.
In addition, this is the section
where you answer any questions that are part of the lab experiment.
Both the question and the answer must be written. Answers should be
concise, but written following standard English usage. |
Quick Results Reference
1. Number and title tables and graphs
2. Draw attention to key points in tables
or graphs
3. Provide sample calculation only
4. State key result in sentence form |
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Conclusion Page is
where you show that you understand the experiment beyond the
simple level of completing the task. In this section you are to explain;
analyze and interpret your results. This part of the lab focuses on
questioning your understanding of the significance or meaning of your
results. In addition, you should discuss problems that arose when
conducting the lab (equipment failures; etc.). Finally, a one
paragraph discussion on your likes and/or dislikes about the lab. It is
not sufficient to state simply "I found the lab
boring." You must elaborate on your feelings and give specific
Focus your discussion with strategies like
 | Compare expected results with those
If there were differences, how can you account for them? Saying
"human error" implies you are incompetent. Be specific in your
statements. For example: the instruments could not measure
precisely; the sample was not pure or was contaminated; calculated values
did not take account of friction. |
 | Analyze experimental error.
Was it avoidable? Was it a result of equipment? If an
experiment was within the tolerance limit, you can still account for the
difference from the ideal. If the flaws result from the experimental
design, explain how the design might be improved. |
 | Relate results to your experimental
If you set out to identify an unknown star based on its attributes, you'd
better know the H-R Diagram. In other words, before making
conclusions and/or assumptions, be sure you have enough background
information to make an intelligent and informed decision.
 | Compare your results to similar
In some cases, it is legitimate to compare outcomes with classmates; not
to change your answer, but to look for any anomalies between the groups
and discuss those. |
 | Analyze the strengths and limitations
of your experimental design.
This is particularly useful if you designed the thing you're testing (e.g.
a circuit; or some experiment to test your hypothesis). |
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Finally, attach the
original lab handout to the back of the lab report.
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Helpful Hints for Higher Grades
 | Remember that the lab report is
at a minimum of five (5) pages in length. |
 | The report should be typed on
plain white-stock paper, or neatly printed - no script. If
handwritten, it must be written in blue/black ink on plain white-stock
paper. Different color ink/paper will result in the lab report
receiving a grade of "F"; being returned for
re-submission with correct format; and loss of two (2) complete grades
upon resubmission.
You may not simply print out the lab, write your answers on the
bottom of the page, staple them together and submit; the lab report will
receive a grade of "F"; be returned for re-submission with the correct format and loss of two
(2) grades upon resubmission. |
 | Be sure to follow the above
page-listed format. |
 | Your report should be clearly
written with a logical flow. The writing component is graded on clarity;
organization; grammar; spelling and completeness. Standard English usage
is paramount. |
 | The technical component is graded on
how the experiment was performed and the correctness of the results.
Remember that you are reporting on what has already been done - so be sure to
use past tense in your writings. |
 | Most
importantly, have lab reports handed in on-time. Lab reports
handed in late automatically receive a grade of "D." |

Lab Notes > |