Earth Science Reference Table


Click here for the EBSCO Database.  The User Name and Password is: is24msb


Click here for the Thompson-Gale Database.  The Password is: empirelink


Click here for the Grolier Encyclopedia Database.  The User Name and Password is: is24msb


Click here to "Cite Your Resources."


Special Notes:


For all homework assignments, it is your responsibility to study unknown vocabulary words (they will appear on exams.)



For all homework assignments, it is your responsibility to read the assigned pages (there will be questions on exams based on your reading assignments.)



For all homework assignments, it is your responsibility to review the reading check questions and self-check questions within each section of the chapter.  These questions are based on the reading preceding the questions (they will appear on exams.)



Adherence to format is tantamount to receiving full credit on homework.  Not being in compliance with the proper format will result in one (1) credit per homework regardless of the total value of the homework.

  5) Lab Reports MAY NOT BE EMAILED!  They must be handed in on the due date.  Computer/printer issues are not excuses that may be used for late labs.  Plenty of time has been given for your timely submission of lab reports.
  6) TBA: To Be Announced

Click here for 804 - 805 - 806 Homework Schedule

Click here for 813 - 816 Homework Schedule