
1. Take pride in your submitted work. When you hand something in for a grade, respect yourself by following the guidelines; if you don’t take pride in your work, why should I?

2. The value of book assigned homework is dependent on the number of pages completed per assignment. Usually, each individual assignment is worth five (5) points.

3. Only book assigned homework and video labs may be emailed – all other assignments must be submitted during class – no exceptions.

4. Homework assignments submitted without a name or assignment numbers will automatically receive one (1) credit.

5. Emailed assignments without a name or assignment number listed will automatically be deleted as I cannot figure out where emails come from – be sure to put your name in the “RE Section” of your email.

6. There will be no “re-submittals” or late homework accepted. Late homework gets an automatic grade of one (1) credit.

The following format is to be used for all book assigned homework and video lab assignments:

1. Plain, lined, white-stock loose-leaf paper measuring 8 ˝ by 11 inches; all other paper is unacceptable.

2. Clearly, neatly written answers; sloppiness will result in loss of points; you may type homework, but is neither necessary nor required.

3. Pencil should be used; no markers, crayons, ink, etc.

4. Homework numbers clearly labeled in the large blank area located on top of the loose-leaf page.

5. Name and class on top of page; you may use school heading, however it is not required.

6. Staple or paper clip multiple pages (these items are not available for your use in class.)

7. Unless otherwise noted in the assignment, you do not have to write out the questions.

8. Video lab assignments must always be totally re-written with the questions. You may not hand in the handout with the answers written in the blank spaces.

The following format is to be used for emailed homework:

1. Only book assignments and video labs may be emailed; all other assignments (labs, reports, etc.) must be submitted during class.

2. No fancy fonts – please use Times New Roman or similar font; blue/black font color; font size 14.

3. Be sure to place homework numbers and your name in the subject heading box (HW 2 – 5; Anikan Skywalker.)



HW #2-5

Anikan Skywalker                                                      Class 876
Page 1 - Applying Math
1. 65.2 m
2. 37 cm
Page 2 - Checking Concepts
1. a
2. c
3. d
4. f
5. b
6. e
Page 3 - Using Vocabulary
1. mass
2. triple beam balance
3. magnets
Page 4 - Applying Math
1. 67.3 g
2. 2.5 m

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