Myra S. Barnes - Intermediate School 24

Mr. Leonard Santamaria – Principal


Dear Parent/Guardian:


My name is Raymond T. Cottrell and I will be your child’s 8th Grade Earth Science Teacher this year.  I have an exciting experience for my students and I am sure that you and your child will enjoy the year.


At the end of 8th grade, all students are required to take a competency exam in Science.  Since the basis of this exam begins today, it is important to get off to a good start.  This booklet outlines the procedures and responsibilities of my class and it is important that you and your child read it through and keep it in a safe place.  You will also find this booklet on-line at my website under the “Parent’s Corner” section.


All lecture notes; articles; films; parent notes; homework; etc. can be found on my website  I make extensive use of the computer and the internet in the delivery of my class instruction.  Whatever work is online, is provided to students in the classroom.  It is the responsibility of the student to make use of the classroom material if he/she is unable to obtain information from the website.  Students accessing the internet for lecture notes; etc.; are expected to have copies of these notes within their science folder/notebook for class.  Please note that not all material needs to be printed – the students will be instructed as to what is required for their folder/notebooks.


I have setup a parent/guardian emailing list that I use to send out information directly to parents/guardians.  This is a “blind” mailing list – this means that no one can see your individual email address.  If you would like to join this list, please be sure to indicate your email address on the attached tear-off sheet.  Depending on how your email is set-up, you may need to add my email address to your “accepted email listing.”  My email address is:  This is the only address from which you will receive mailings.  Your email address will not be shared with anyone – including other teachers.


Below is a list of supplies for science class.  I respectfully ask that the students have these supplies available to them by

Friday, September 17th, 2010.


Supplies needed for Science Class:


            1) package of #2 self-leading mechanical pencils

                                    ---  or  ---

                 package of regular wooden pencils with a sharpener

                      (no sharpener available due to easy breakage)

            2) standard size notebook – either marble type or spiral (student choice)

                                    ---  or  ---

                 section in larger binder if that is the student’s choice of book

            3) three folders – solid color, with name of student clearly labeled or

                 printed on front

                        ** two folders remain in class

                        ** third folder is for homework and is kept by student

            4) single box of tissues

            5) single roll of paper towels


What I expect of my students


1) Homework

a)  Homework is assigned on the first day of the school week.  Usually, this will be Monday; however, as per calendar changes due to holidays, it may be assigned on a Tuesday.  Enough homework is assigned to last the entire week.  This homework is usually due the Thursday of the week the homework is given.  In short – homework given on Monday, collected on Thursday.  If your child states that there is no homework for a particular week – he/she is mistaken.

b)  All homework assignments may be confirmed by going to the website.  Several weeks’ worth of homework is posted on the site so that absent students will have the ability to remain on task.  Homework lists are also provided to the students in class.

c)  Homework is to follow a standard format.  This format permits easy review and easy marking.  The homework numbers are to be written across the top of the page in the large white space.  White-stock standard-sized paper is required.  While some students choose to type their homework, it is not required.  Any deviation from this format will result in receiving one (1) credit per homework.  Students will not be permitted to “make-up” homework that was handed in without being in the proper format.  The format has been extensively reviewed with the students during their first class visit and may be found on the website.  Please remember to show pride and respect in your written homework.  Homework that is messy and unkempt will be returned with a one (1) credit grade, per homework.  You may check the format here.

d)  Each separate homework value is determined by the number of questions per homework.  Each question is worth five (5) credits.  Credits are deducted from this amount for the following reasons:

- Not following format – one (1) credit

- Late homework – one (1) credit

- Sloppy homework – one (1) credit

e)  In the event of absence on the day when homework is due, it is expected that the student will have the homework upon his/her return to school.  If the student is absent when the homework is given, the student is responsible for obtaining the homework from another student; the classroom listing of homework; or the website.  As homework is provided well in advance, there are no extensions on due dates.  Late homework automatically gets a value of one (1) credit regardless of when it is handed in.  Please be sure to consult the website for a complete listing of all assignments along with their due dates.

f)  Students may email their homework.  Emailed homework is due by 10:00 PM the night before the homework is due to be handed in, in class.  This helps eliminate any possible computer problems that may arise at the last minute.  Obviously, I cannot print out homework for students that choose to email homework.  Students emailing homework should keep a copy of their homework in their notebook or folder.  An email receipt will be sent to all students emailing homework.  Emailed homework that does not list the name of the student in the heading, will be returned via email with one (1) credit as it is impossible for me to determine who sent homework without a name.

g)  I will not consistently remind the students of missing or late homeworkIn addition, I will not constantly telephone parents to inform them of missing work.  It is the responsibility of the student to remember his/her assignments

2) Exams

a)  Exams are given approximately every two (2) weeks.  All dates for exams may be obtained by going to the website.  A one-week reminder notice is given before the exam.  Exams are based on homework as well as class notes and reading assignments.  Hence, failure to do homework and consistent absence without keeping up-to-date with classwork, will naturally result in poor exam grades.  If a student is absent for an exam, it will be given on the day following the students return.  Other than absence, there are no make-ups, “do-overs”, and no dropped test grades

b)  Earth Science Midterm and Final procedures will be provided at the appropriate time.

3) Special Assignments

a)  During the course of the school year, there will be special assignments including reports, projects, experiments, etc.  A separate sheet will be distributed to all students with specific information in regards to the requirements.   As these special assignments usually require extra work, they will naturally contribute a greater portion to the overall grade for the quarter in which they are given.

4) Classwork

a)  It is expected that each student be prepared to work each day he/she is in class.  This includes half-days, testing days, and stormy days the school is open – if school is open, we work.  It is the student’s choice as to how he/she keeps class notes and other materials.  There are no special notebook requirements other than a separate section is provided for science, or a folder is utilized.  However, it is important to insure that all classroom materials remain secure, as there will be notebook/folder checks periodically.


What you and your child can expect of me


1)  A safe learning environment.  I will not permit any circumstance that will interfere with a student learning in my classroom.  This includes inappropriate behavior on the part of any student for whatever reason.

2)  Respect, fairness and trust.  I will respect all opinions and observations of my students.  I will be fair in my judgment and will trust all students implicitly.  I expect in time that my students will develop these attitudes toward me as well.

3)  A helping hand.  I will be there for all my students whenever they need me.  I will do my best in preparing them for high school science and be sure they are well prepared for their other subjects as well.

4)  A fun time.  I expect that my students will enjoy my class.  I have many exciting things planned from experiments to trips, from special visitors to special projects.


Remember: All homework, classwork, special projects, etc., may be found on my website:


NOTE: In addition to Earth Science topics, we will be reviewing Life Science, Physics and Chemistry throughout the year in anticipation of the Science State-wide examination.  The work that we review will naturally form part of the grade your son/daughter will receive in Earth Science.



You may find out information, or contact me using the following methods:


On the web:                                   Email:



School Number: 718.356.4200                                  AOL/AIM Screen Name: Cottrell24

FAQ’s about Earth Science Class


Why is the amount of work I’m doing not reflected in the grade I am getting?


Your grade does not measure the amount of time spent studying (directly.)  It measures the number of correct answers on exams, homework and lab reports.  Being able to state the correct answer is assumed to measure the amount of material you have learned in the class and that is what grades are all about.  There is usually, but not always, a strong correlation between time spent on lecture notes and exam score; i.e. more time spent studying means more understanding of material, which means a higher exam score.  However, your personal perspective of how hard you work is completely invisible to me as I can only judge your work based on what I see on exams, homework, etc.  This is one of the big differences between 8th grade and 6th / 7th grade.  In the lower grades, the emphasis is on the learning process – studying, reading skills, tools and techniques.  In the 8th grade, the emphasis is on learning the subject material.


My friend studies ½ the amount of time I do and got a higher score on the exam!


Ok – grab hold of the chair you are sitting in, cause this is going to sound harsh, but……. your friend is smarter than you.  This happens in many subjects.  For some people, math and science are easy.  For others, language arts and social studies are easier.  In this case, your friend finds science easy to understand and has to work less than you.  There is only one thing you can do – dislike them immensely.


Are you going to grade on a curve?




How about dropping low-test grades or giving us do-over tests?




I forgot about the exam; I was sick for the exam; my computer had a virus; AOL stinks and won’t let me log on; my fax is broken; my cat slept on my homework and made it messy; yada, yada, yada…


One important lesson you will learn from 8th grade science – life is full of these little setbacks.  However, as in real life, no one actually cares.  Be prepared for all possibilities or pay the consequences – in this case, low grades.  LEARN TO BE SELF-RESPONSIBLE!


Yikes!  That’s a lot of homework!


Yep – sure is!  That’s why you have a week to do it, and it’s been given to you several weeks in advance.


This class seems unrelated to life or my career goals.  I’m bored.  Do I need to know this stuff?


This is a science course that deals with our planet and its place in the universe.  For better or worse, you are a part of planet Earth.  Being a part of the planet, by definition means that anything dealing with the planet you are living on is important.  Besides, you must pass 8th grade science to graduate to high school, so deal with it and move on.


What’s the deal with class notes and labs?  I’ve heard we do not have to take notes during class and that I can find everything I need online.  Is this true?  If we don’t take notes in class, what exactly do we do in class?  What about note-book checks?


All of my notes that are necessary for class may be found online.  Obviously, one can simply print them at home, so why would you want to copy them down in class?  Having the written part available to you online, permits me to spend more time actually teaching you science and doing more things in class.  As for notebook checks, there are checks of your science folders.  Within this folder, you should have your homework, printed lecture notes, and any other information that I may give to you in class.  There is, from time to time, notes given during class that are not on the website.  This is the reason for having a science notebook or section available.


Wow – that’s cool!  The only thing is – I don’t have a computer.


That’s perfectly ok!  Whatever is online, is in the classroom and available for your copying pleasure.  However, as these notes remain in class; you will need to copy them when you are in class.  In other words - NO - you may not borrow them or take them home.  Another idea is to use this opportunity to make a new friend – preferably one with a computer!  Remember – there is also the public library – not having a computer is no excuse for not keeping up with class.


You’re awful preachy!  Do you think you should just keep quiet, teach the material and otherwise leave us alone?


No.  Ask any of my former classes – I haunt you and stay on top of you from now until the day before you graduate.  I am in constant surveillance of your every move in every class.  I do this because I care – and you will thank me later; trust me!


Parent/Guardian/Student Booklet Acknowledgement


Dear Parent/Guardian:


Please sign this acknowledgement letter that indicates you have read the information booklet.  In addition, if you would like to include a telephone or fax number, email address, etc., for additional communication, please indicate.


If you would like to join the parent-emailing list, which is a bi-weekly notification of what we are doing in class, along with other important information in regards to school work; school activities; important information in regards to 8th grade promotional procedures; high school open houses; etc.; please be sure to give your email address.  The email address information you give will not be shared with anyone – including other teachers – and all emails are sent confidentially so that no one can see your email address.  Please be sure to add my email address to any spam email software that you may have to insure that you receive emails.


This entire page must be returned no later than Friday, September 16th, 2011.  A homework grade of “0” will be given for late tear-offs. Thank you.


Student _______________________________________________ of Class __________ and I have read the informational booklet.  We are aware of the following:


1)  homework is given each week, without exception, on Monday and is collected on Thursday unless holidays require a change; there will never be an instance of no homework – if the student says there is no homework – the student is mistaken.

2)  it is the responsibility of the student to keep up with assignments and to be sure they are being handed in ontime.

3)  all class notes, assignments and other classroom materials are available on the internet at, as well as in the classroom, for those students without access to a computer.  If the student requires the notes from the classroom, it is the responsibility of the student to acquire them.



                                                                                                                                  Student Signature 



                                                                                                                          Parent/Guardian Signature     



Additional telephone number: _______________________________________________


Fax number: _____________________________________________________________


Parent Email address: ______________________________________________________

(Note: This email address is for adults only - please print and distinguish between the number “0”

and the letter “O” – thank you!)

Parent's Corner  >